Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species (CITES)
of Wild Fauna and Flora

On April 20, 2000, the 11th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) concluded in Nairobi, Kenya.  (CITES is an international agreement, signed by 150 countries, designed to control and regulate global trade in certain wild animals and plants that are or may be threatened with extinction due to commercial trade)

The following table (excerpted from a complete table created by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, AIA, Office of Management Authority) provides in detail the results of species proposals for reptiles and amphibians at the Nairobi meeting.  For more complete information on other animal and plant species, go to the Fish and Wildlife Service Web site, CITES meeting report.

In summary, all Cuora species (Asian box turtles) gained with their inclusion in Appendix II, and Eretmochelys imbricata (Hawksbill sea turtle) was retained in Appendix I.  However, the proposal by the United States for Clemmys guttata (spotted turtles) to be included in Appendix II was rejected.

For further information on CITES and a complete definition of the Convention's appendices, go to the CITES Web site (select CITES Appendices in the CITES Documents window.  For the detailed proposals and reports from the Nairobi meeting go to CITES COP11.

CITES COP11: Results of Species Proposals:
Amendment of Appendices I & II

Prop. #







11.36 Cuora spp.:
(Asian box turtles)
Inclusion in Appendix II Germany

Adopted Consensus  
 11.37 Clemmys guttata 
(Spotted turtles)
Inclusion in Appendix II USA Rejected Vote 38:36

(31 abstentions)
U.S. voted for
 11.38 Geochelone sulcata
(African spurred turtle)
Transfer from Appendix II to I France Adopted Vote 73:17

(22 abstentions)
U.S. voted for
 11.39 Malacochersus tornieri
(Pancake tortoise)
Transfer from Appendix II to I Kenya

Withdrawn   Withdrawn after discussions between Kenya and Tanzania; TZ committed to not allow any exports from the wild
 11.40 Eretmochelys imbricata
(Hawksbill sea turtle)
Transfer from Appendix I to II (ACuban population@), w/annotation for: (1) export of stocks (6,900 kg) to Japan; (2) export each year thereafter, to Japan or to other Parties- up to 500 turtles Cuba

11.41   Eretmochelys imbricata
(Hawksbill sea turtle)
Transfer from Appendix I to II (ACuban population@), w/annotation for export in one shipment of registered stocks (6,900 kg) to Japan only. Cuba Rejected in Committee Vote 66:38

(15 abstentions)

Secret ballot
U.S. voted against
Rejected in Plenary- as amended Vote 67:41

(9 abstentions)

Secret ballot
U.S. voted against

Amendment: annotation that trade would not take place until the control systems in Japan were reviewed by the Standing Committee.
11.43 Varanus melinus 
(Quince monitor)
Transfer from Appendix II to I Germany Withdrawn    
11.44 Crotalus horridus
(Timber rattlesnake)
Inclusion in Appendix II USA Withdrawn    
11.45 Bufo retiformis
(Sonoran green toad)
Delete from Appendix II USA Adopted Consensus  
11.46 Mantella spp. 
(Mantella frogs)
Inclusion in Appendix II (Mantella aurantiaca is already in Appendix II) Netherlands

Adopted Consensus  

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