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Turtles have many adaptations that help them live and survive.  Look at the drawings on this page and connect them to the answer that best explains how the turtle benefits from these physical adaptations.

Hint: Some adaptations may help turtles in more than one way so think carefully; there may be more than one correct answer!

1. Thick scales

2. Hinge on the
bottom of shell
  1. Ripping apart food into smaller pieces that can be eaten

  2. Crushing snails to eat

  3. Breathing while hiding underwater

  4. Hide from predators amongst leaves in the forest

  5. Swimming

  6. Protect the turtle's head and limbs from predators

  7. Digging and climbing

  8. Can hide from predators by closing up into its shell

8. Hard shell

7. Strong claws

6. Webbed feet

3. Long snorkel-like nose 4. Looks like a leaf5. Powerful jaws

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